To recap: My treatment plan is for 15 uppers and 14 lowers.
It's been a while since I've blogged. Why? You ask? Well, mainly because I haven't seen much change and I couldn't quite come up with something to write about other than to say get up, brush, floss, stare at my teeth a little and then get on with my day.
The other reason I've been reluctant to blog is that I wondered about how much more my teeth would actually move. They seem to have moved quite a bit from trays 1-8 and then set themselves into a comfortable spot. My bottoms have totally lined up nicely. Can't say that for the top teeth. I still have the gaps from the IPR in the two front teeth and the teeth on either side have not really moved much. I was hoping the gap would close by now and I'm beginning to get worried since I only have two trays left. Otherwise, I'm not sure how that 'window' in the front teeth is going to close!!
I've adapted well though. I've got a toothbrush and floss kit for every purse. I even bought those disposable toothbrushes for when you can't get out the toothpaste and toothbrush. They're great! I went for my hygiene appointment and my gums are doing extremely well and we had a whole conversation on how could one possibly not floss??!! I used to floss once a month, if I remembered! Now, I floss at least 3 times a day!! I can't stand the thought of food between my teeth! ewwww...
The other plus: I've cut down on my coffee, snacking and lost 8 pounds! I used to have two cups of coffee at home and arrive at work and sip an extra large Tim Horton's coffee! If someone came by and offered me a coffee, I was quick to accept. Now, it's the coffee at home and water the rest of the day. It's too much trouble to have to take out the braces, brush, blah, blah,, I drink water.
On the down side, I've gone through the summer with a serious reduction in my ice cream consumption! I'll have to make up for next year when I have straight teeth!
This is what it looks like at the end of Tray 12....

Here's what it looked like when I started and before the IPR.

2 weeks to go for my lowers, 4 weeks to go for my uppers......can't wait.....